Damai NCC Camp from 22nd to 24th June 09
It was my first trip back to Damai nearly after a year. (First since I started my National Service). There was lots of changes! They re-paint the school, added fancyfull drawings on walls. Many of the wonderfull teachers that had taught me left Damai too.
The first day back to NCC camp. Didn't felt like a camp as the OIC for the camp was late. (How the hell this can happen?) It was a little encouraging when I still have other juniors willing to cover for the OIC's disappearance and commence the camp.
Things turn out from bad to worst as the time goes by. The specialist where not aware of their duties. All I'am aware of is that this camp was all planend by the OIC, from the planning of itenaries to logistics.
Can you believe this, the specialists whom have know each other for at least 2 years does not have everyones contact! I seriously wondered how they communicate.
This went worst when the OIC finally arrived at aabout 0930hrs (camp should commence at 0730hrs). The cadets were not organised properly. The Routine Orders (RO) was not even signed by the CO. What the hell are you juniors doing? (For those who understands this, pls don fall off your chair!) A camp running without having the programmes acknowledged by the CO. Haiz.
Lots of unorganised planning came into play, there was no wet weather programme (thank god that it didn't rain). Specs still dunno what to do. haiz...
I believe many of us have heard this saying "FOOD IS MORAL FOR SOILDERS". Guess what, food was not catered for the specialists. I mean, what the hell is seriously wrong. Where did the common sense went? Running a camp with hungry facilitators. OMG.
I seriously could not tolerate this any longer, I left the camp on 23rd, around 1600hrs instead of 2100hrs.
Depar - Seriously you do not deserve to be a S4. You have no sense of pride in your work, you have no sense in calculation. I'am sorry but do u even have common sense? Please be mindfull of when, what and how whenever you wanna say anything.
Juniors, I'm begging you guys to buckle up. Please have more pride in your CCA. Have more initatives, communicate with each other. Anything you do not know - ALWAYS ASK!